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Bipecific/Multispecific single domain antibody platform

With the advantage of easy modification of nano-antibodies, antibodies with different structures can be designed for different indications to achieve the optimal efficacy and the lowest side effects. Its important advantages are small molecular weight, simple structure, no mismatch, high expression level, high purification yield, stable mass production, and the construction of double antibodies based on nanoantibodies can largely maintain the original biological activity of a single molecule. In addition, in terms of breaking through patent barriers, nanoantibodies also have a more flexible patent layout.

Loqi Biology has a very advantageous dual-antibody development platform, and the relevant development projects have been recognized by many parties. At present, Loqi Biology has arranged the development of original competitive projects of dual-antibody, multiple-antibody, blood-brain barrier crossing, subcutaneous long-acting and other dual-antibody/multiple-antibody in advance.